heart of the unseen

June 8, 2009

every once in a while, there’s that song.

Filed under: faith, music video, quotes, today — laurabousman @ 7:00 pm

“love | Reviewer: Dan | 5/4/09

My interpretation, on one level, is that the song is about the process of us sensing the loss of love to the mundane, rational and formal life and us striving to preserve childlike, innocent love, even when we are pulled in directions that move us away the natural and uncontrollable love we give as children. This comes full circle when we bring love (children) into the world ourselves and see this love again but from outside.

I agree that there’s no need to pull songs that you love apart, like I have done here. A song is an interval of time that we relate to thoughts and emotions. Radiohead are brilliant at conveying these beautiful intervals of time. Nothing more, nothing less. But this song makes me want to strive to be more childlike at times, to try to love unconditionally, and to learn to forget.”

June 1, 2009

just some words

Filed under: quotes — laurabousman @ 9:24 pm

yet the power of music to change consciousness appears to have more to do with the meaning invested in it by the participants than the rhythmic structure.

-david byrne.

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